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Tough Conversations Made Easy.

We bridge the gap between what teens know about

sexual and emotional health

and how they apply it. 

Want to see what next steps look like? 

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1:1 Coaching


Clinician Guided

Personalized Guidance


Confidential Support


Evidence-Based Teaching



1 OUT 2

Young people
contract new STIs yearly

Fear, misinformation, and access gaps drive unmet needs. The U.S. spends $16 billion annually on STI treatments, excluding long-term costs of untreated cases

US is #1

In teen pregnancies in a study of
21  countries 

A study of 21 countries shows the U.S. ranks #1 in teen pregnancy rates. Despite available resources, teens in the U.S. have higher rates of unplanned pregnancies.

5 OUT 10 

Teens make safer, smarter choices 

Teens engaging in early health education have safer sexual behavior, including delaying sex initiation and decreasing # of sexual partners


The Struggle

Which myths do your

teens believes about their body health?

  • Misinformation spreads fast: Teens get mixed messages from unreliable sources.

  • Myths impact choices: False beliefs can lead to risky decisions.

  • Embarrassed to ask: Teens may hesitate to seek accurate answers.

  • Confidence suffers: Myths can harm self-esteem and body image.


Health Coach

Sexual & Emotional Health Coaching for Teens

Facts empower:

Equip your teen with truth to make informed choices.